Thursday, December 20, 2007

Are They Trying To Tell Me Something?

I received my "AARP Membership REGISTRATION" in the mail last week. Old people like capital letters, it seems. Or maybe REGISTRATION is an acronym. TLA, the twelve-letter acronym. There's a prize for the best acronym submitted as a comment. Anyway, the first line of the form reads:
Our records show that you haven't yet registered for the benefits of AARP membership, even though you are fully eligible.
Now, I've always been a little confused by AARP, since I don't think that retirement is a prerequisite for membership. Is it now also the case that you're fully eligible once you're within a stone's throw of 30? Maybe 29 is the new 50. Or maybe we should just be suspicious of their record keeping abilities.


sbyrnes00 said...

R apidly
E xpanding
G athering
I ncluding
S eniors
T rying
R eally
A ggressively
T o
I nsult
O nly
N ewbies

Anonymous said...

I got one in the mail when I was about 24 and it called me "Mr." Interestingly I never got another.

I will let you know if I get one in time for my impending 30th.